KOBCIYE project has been formulated under Food systems lens in Somalia with the overall objective improving food security and nutrition of smallholder farmers through strengthened resilience to shocks. The project will particularly focus on internally displaced persons, women, and youth. The aim will be for producer groups and small holder farmer groups to strengthen their production capacity, improve household consumption of nutritious foods, increase commercialization and diversify livelihoods for improved overall income security.


To improve food security and nutrition of smallholder farmers through strengthening resilience to shocks.

Specific objectives:


    • To develop and strengthen the smallholder farmer producer groups, including women and youth, with the aim of becoming all-inclusive, self-governing, and demand-driven community-based organizations.

    • To establish and expand production capacity of smallholder farmers, including women and youth, through increase in land productivity, adoption of climate-smart agriculture technologies, and good agriculture practices.

Capacity Building: To build producer farmer groups capacity, SADAR will promote active participation of members within the training process. Furthermore, the use of lead farmers and farmer field school approaches will provide opportunity to further replicate the introduced knowledge and provide consultations to the producer farmer groups and other beneficiaries beyond the project period.

Nutrition Sensitive Approach: the intervention will  focus on improving nutrition via access to nutritional vegetables and fruits, improved knowledge and practices to access, prepare and consumption nutritional food and micronutrients. Through a nutrition-sensitive lens, SADAR will systematically guide beneficiaries to consider quality of food, and not only quantity of Kcal with messages to promote nutritious food consumption.

Creating Market Linkages: The creation of market linkages is a key approach of this project, the value chains will be supported to reach not just the local markets but also cross-market to neighbouring addition initiatives for vegetables, fruits and other food crops will economically empower the women and youth smallholder farmers while promoting co-existence across the producer farmer groups.

 Gender Considerations: SADAR field staff will ensure gender is mainstreamed in all stages of the project cycle management.  All project activities will be implemented through effective community consultations and focus group discussions, with separated groups according to their gender, age, and special needs.  SADAR Gender Officer will work closely with the field team to ensure gender sensitise approaches are used during the entire activity implementation, taking into consideration local gender roles/responsibilities; the specific and changing needs of different demographic groups including the most vulnerable; equitable access to services; risks and mitigation of harm that could arise from our actions; service provision and subsequently disseminate GBV referral pathways.  

Project Target Areas

The KOBCIYE project intervention is targeting Puntland’s Bari region and 4 other sites under Bossaso district with total land size of 681 hectares benefitting a total of 1,300 Households. SADAR will ensure at least 30% of the beneficiaries are women, and 20% are youth participating in the producer farmer groups. The selection of the sites is based on WFP criteria that include accessibility and security, land ownership (smallholder famers with own plots and land to farm) land size and potential for arable farming, household/community vulnerability status, water access and potential for water sources, interest at household level farming, interest in voluntary participation in livelihood activities and proximity to villages, special attention will be made to ensure producer farmers groups have  women and youth and vulnerable  households with potential and ability to participate in the group.

Expected Results of the KOBCIYE Project

    1. smallholder farmers producer groups are developed. and their capacity strengthened, with the aim of becoming all-inclusive, self-governing, and demand-driven community-based organizations.
    2. smallholder farmers expand production capacity, improving overall food and nutrition security.
    3. smallholder farmers have increased quality production through adoption of climate-friendly technologies.
    4. Women and youth groups have opportunities for diversified livelihoods through construction and rehabilitation of water harvesting systems.