SADAR as an institution has developed procurement guidelines, as per the recommendations from the donors in its implementations of supported programs. Accordingly, procurement aspects related to eligible activities under grants strictly follow sound public procurement principles and will be executed in accordance with the provisions with the donors Procurement Guidelines and Handbook. The details of the procurement arrangements including prior-review requirements and thresholds for procurement methods, etc. will be indicated in the Grant Agreement and Procurement Arrangement Letter (PAL).
SADAR has a qualified and robust financial management team in place and has recently procured an ERP system and upgraded its accounting software system to automatically generate financial reports as per donor requirements. The system will facilitate timely reporting to donors on sources and uses of funds by category and component. The financial management sections are well established in the SADAR procedures. SADAR is bound by donor policies for preventing fraud and corruption, Sexual Harassment, Exploitation and Abuse (SH/SEA) and other mandatory requirements. The submission of the audited financial statements and statements of expenditures will comply with the specified requirements as per donor’s handbook for financial reporting and auditing.
SADAR is committed to international standards on Personal Data Protection as outlined in Personal Data Privacy Guidelines (Guidelines) and its Privacy Notice. SADAR will ensure that projects are carried out in accordance with the principles and provisions of the Personal Data Privacy Guidelines as may be amended from time to time. This requires that sufficient and adequate due diligence and other control measures are in place to safeguard personal data processing while carrying out project activities. Safeguards include applying appropriate security, restricting access, only sharing where necessary, retaining data only for as long as is necessary and reporting any data breaches to donors without undue delay.